100+ Drawing Inspirations to Get You Started Right Away : mymodernmet.com

A key component of honing your drawing abilities is practice. To get better, you have to learn the fundamentals and keep practicing them. Just look at what a few years of sketching practice can do as evidence. The development you may get by investing time in this endeavor is just amazing. Those that have, in what seems like no time at all, progressed from scribbling simple figure sketches to completely drawn portraits at mymodernmet.com


Choosing what to draw might be difficult, even though starting is the best way to get better at it. Everyone experiences “blocks” in their creative process, where they are unable to decide what to write with a pencil or pen. So don’t be afraid! Try our list of more than 100 simple drawing ideas to fill your sketchbook with sketches. They range from commonplace items to exotic cityscapes; to fully test your drawing abilities, we suggest experimenting with a range.

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Table of Contents

1 But First, Gather Your Supplies

1.1 Graphite Pencils
1.2 Drawing Pens

2 Drawing Ideas That Anyone Can Try

2.1 Still Life Drawing Ideas You Can Find at Home
2.2 Ocean Waves, Trees, and More: Creativity Inspired by Nature
2.3 Have a Lot of Fun Drawing People With These Ideas
2.4 More Great Drawing Ideas

3 Creative Drawing Ideas Inspired by Holidays

3.1 Halloween Drawing Ideas
3.2 Thanksgiving Drawing Ideas
3.3 Christmas Drawing Ideas

4 Drawing Ideas Inspired by the Imagination

4.1 Imagine Your World With a Dragon and a Rainbow
4.2 Cool Drawing Ideas Inspired by Fantasy
4.3 Patterns and Other Easy Things to Draw

5 Learn How to Execute Your Drawing Ideas Step by Step

5.1 Drawing Animals
5.2 Drawing Human Anatomy
5.3 Nature-Inspired Subjects

1.But First, Gather Your Supplies

Purchasing high-quality supplies will enable you to develop your sketching skills. Check out our suggestions for the greatest sketchbooks, drawing pencils, and paper types. While pencils are the most widely used sketching instrument, charcoal is also rather popular among individuals who prefer to sketch quickly. Charcoal will provide rich black tones ideal for shading while working on designs with deep shadows. Check out our collection of the top artist’s charcoal pencil sets  mymodernmet.com/easy-painting-ideas/


Do you paint detailed scenes in your artwork? Attempt to use a drawing pen. Pens provide accurate and reliable linework. Almost any kind of linework, including calligraphy, cartooning, drawing, and sketching, may be done with a pen. View our selection of the top drawing pens. Additionally, we’ve listed some of the top colored pencils to utilize if you want to add some color to your work at mymodernmet.com


Drawing Ideas That Anyone Can Try

It’s not hard to locate things to take inspiration from around you. Simply scan your home for inspiration for sketches. There is a drawing potential in every thing. Consider merging them into a still life if you’re feeling very adventurous.

  • The interior of your living room
  • A houseplant
  • Kitchen utensils, like a whisk or slotted spoon
  • A necklace, ring, or another piece of jewelry—try combining them in a still life
  • House keys attached to a keychain
  • An interesting knick-knack (or knick-knacks) off your shelf
  • An interesting doorknob or door knocker
  • Crumpled fabric or a pile of laundry
  • An object in a glass dish
  • Your dinner that night…
  • … before you’ve prepared it (the ingredients)
  • Collection of your favorite things
  • A still life featuring old technology
  • Your favorite condiment from your kitchen—be sure to draw the label
  • Things that make you feel cozy
  • Your most interesting pair of shoes
  • The items on your coffee table
  • The view from your window

For centuries, artists have drawn inspiration from nature. In addition to being lovely to look at, trees and sandy beaches are enjoyable to sketch. Try drawing these same subjects again once you’ve improved to observe how they’ve changed at mymodernmet.com

The trees outside your window

  • A new arrangement of flowers (this one would be great with colored pencils)
  • An abundance of mushrooms
  • A scene of a landscape from your most memorable trip
  • Go to a park and sketch what you observe.
  • Your preferred tree
  • One seashell or a group of seashells


Although studying people can be intimidating, they provide fascinating models to study. You will always find these intriguing and difficult concepts centered around individuals fascinating, whether it be self-portraits or body sketches at mymodernmet.com

Your picture of yourself

  • a well-known somebody you respect
  • Your feet or those of another person
  • Your hands or the hands of another person
  • a close-up of your eye
  • Draw someone using public transportation
  • A picture of your partner
  • Someone chewing their lip and appearing anxious
  • What you’ve on for today
  • the rear of an individual’s head
  • Ringlets to soft waves in curly hair


  • A pet (it’s generally better to work from a photograph)
  • The facade of your most cherished structure
  • Adorable young animal
  • Cut a piece of fresh fruit in half (citrus works nicely)
  • A cake and coffee from a nearby cafe
  • Your preferred untamed creature
  • A web containing a spider
  • Try manipulating perspective by gazing up at a bridge or a skyscraper.
  • Duplicate your best-loved statue or painting (extra credit if it’s in a museum).
  • Replicate scientific illustrations of insects or birds by artists like John James Audubon.
  • What’s seen in the rearview mirror of your car
  • A frog sitting on a lily pad
  • The perspective from a bridge, either above or below it
  • The internal mechanisms of a machine (such as a watch)
  • A dancer always on the lookout
  • Make a to-do list.
  • Locate a receipt and sketch one of the items on it.
  • Draw the same topic in a minimum of five different styles.
  • Keep a comic journal of your day, hour by hour.
  • An aerial view of your preferred location

Holiday-Inspired Creative Drawing Ideas

Embrace the moment when you’re drawing. When attempting to come up with a drawing, you can draw inspiration from the imagery associated with holidays.

Ideas for Halloween drawings

  • A bat soaring above the heavens
  • How you envision a haunted house
  • An enormous spider web—you get to choose the size—
  • spooktastic pumpkins
  • A cauldron is being brewed by a bunch of witches.
  • An eerie ghost that can reside in your community
  • A gorgeous vampire and their adversary, the vampire hunter
  • Strolling zombies throughout the metropolis
  • An ancient cemetery that is reviving


  • A rainbow of various fall fare (such as maize and pumpkins)
  • Your go-to meal for Thanksgiving dinner
  • Fall foliage, full of color, dropping from the trees
  • An illustration of a turkey
  • Something for which you feel grateful

Ideas for Christmas drawings

  • a Christmas tree that you’ve decorated
  • A picture of Mrs. Claus and Santa Claus
  • All of Santa’s sled dogs enjoying themselves in the snow
  • The largest snowman you could ever imagine
  • Christmas lights on Santa’s sleigh
  • As gingerbread people, your family
  • A snow globe with a lovely winter landscape inside
  • Your stocking (full of gifts) for Christmas
  • A yard teeming with Christmas goodies

Creating Concepts using Imagination


Sketch the world you wish to see. If the sky is overcast, picture a bright, sunny day with a vivid rainbow. Do you want a pet that is protective? Draw your idea of what an amiable dragon may look like. The possibilities on the page are endless when using these concepts.

  • Create the outside of the home of your dreams.
  • The interior of your ideal house now
  • Construct your own fortress.
  • What lies beyond the rainbow?
  • Consider living beneath the surface.
  • Imagine a house in space.
  • Also, the vessel that will transport you there
  • and the animals you’ll come across
  • A community of treehouses
  • Heroes in the real world
  • Lego versions of your planet
  • Interior design à la M.C. Escher
  • Consider an intergalactic city.
  • Consider the cover of an album for a fictional band (or real band).
  • Create your own flower; if you want an additional challenge, create an entire bouquet.
  • Form a band and design the cover for their record.
  • Create a new record cover for an established performer.
  • Construct a beast by combining several animals.


Imagination is the foundation of fantasy. Fantasy is really about imagining things that don’t exist today, even if we frequently think of it in terms of fantastical realms like those found in The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter mymodernmet.com/easy-painting-ideas/

  • Imagine a branch-based wolf.
  • Incorporate two disparate subjects into a single scene.
  • Sketch a fresh aquarium for a fish.
  • Sketch a still life in a Cubist manner.
  • The world is completely upside down (up is down, down is high).
  • Animal clothed with human clothing
  • Give a face to an object.
  • Two characters combined in popular culture
  • A crazy tea party
  • Meatballs and pasta being lifted by a forklift
  • It’s pouring outside. (as opposed to water)
  • Choose three words at random, then combine their meanings into a drawing.
  • An animal with a balloon in its mouth
  • A llama poised to perform a tap dance


To practice your imagination, you don’t need to sketch dragons. Try making your own patterns or covering a piece of paper with stylized flowers if you enjoy design. These concepts will help you get going at mymodernmet.com

  • Adorn a piece of paper with a bouquet of flowers.
  • Use geometric patterns to fill a silhouette portrait.
  • Create a custom pattern.
  • Numerous mandalas with varying designs and layouts
  • Rethink a well-known design, such as paisley.
  • Describe a vivid dream that you or a loved one has had.
  • Draw your most treasured memory.
  • Unusual pals
  • An illustration within an illustration
  • Change the two subjects’ scales.
  • Give an example of the saying “it’s a small world.”
  • Give an example of what “your head in the clouds” means.
  • Explain a few lines from your favorite song.
  • Put an idiom into literal context.
  • Which character from video games is your favorite?
  • Through the lenses of sunglasses, a cityscape

Learn How to Execute Your Drawing Ideas Step by Step


Though there are countless inspiring drawing ideas out there, some of the most well-liked themes are those that involve the human figure or have a natural theme. Learn how to draw them by using some of the detailed instructions provided here. You never know, maybe sketching them will inspire you to draw even more at mymodernmet.com



How to sketch a cat in two distinct styles This tutorial will teach you to basic cat anatomy and show you how to draw cats in a realistic or stylized manner, whether your goal is to design the next Garfield or just doodle endless small fur strands at mymodernmet.com




A “handy” manual for sketching hands It’s difficult to draw human anatomy, and the hands may be the most difficult bodily part to do so. We dissect the hand’s interior anatomy and demonstrate how to articulate the bones and muscles that lie beneath the skin in this guide. Take these actions to make your drawing come to life at mymodernmet.com


Use this guide to get to know your nose. The nose is one of the facial features that you might not devote much attention to. Don’t disregard it, though, as it contributes to the face’s definition. We’ll go over how to draw the nose realistically as well as its anatomy at mymodernmet.com


Aim for realism: The key to drawing a realistic eye is realizing that the pupil alone does not create the illusion of life. Achieving resemblance also requires attention to the eye’s shape, wrinkles in the lid, and length of the lashes, all of which we’ll cover at mymodernmet.com



Grab hold of the autumnal vibe and sketch a pumpkin. Irrespective of their color, smoothness or bumpiness, pumpkins are inextricably linked to fall. With just a few simple steps, you can design a pumpkin thanks to our step-by-step drawing guide.


Discover how to sketch a rose. A timeless representation of love is the rose. Writers have extolled its beauty, and artists have rendered its delicate petals. However, this popularity does not make sketching the rose simple. Thickly packed with layers of petals, it can be difficult. Fear not, though, as we break a rose drawing down to make it approachable and enjoyable at mymodernmet.com

Are you looking for different blooms? Here’s how to sketch several kinds of flowers:It would be hard to learn how to draw every kind of plant in the globe due to their vast diversity. However, you can sketch whatever botanical you desire once you know the fundamentals of a flower’s structure.

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